Sibylle Bergemann, Heike, Allerleirauh, Berlin, 1988, Design: Angelika Kroker
© Nachlass Sibylle Bergemann, OSTKREUZ; Courtesy Loock Galerie, Berlin, Kostüm: Angelika Kroker

The Medea Insurrection. Radical Women Artists Behind the Iron Curtain

Medea: femme fatale and uber-frau from the East. An escape into mythology? Not with her! It is true that, prior to 1989, East German literary figures and painters frequently fell back on scenes from the ancient world when depicting their discontent with the regime.



  • DATES 08/12/2018—31/03/2019


However, for the artists presented here, all of whom rose to maturity behind the Iron Curtain, mythology was not so much self-denial as a no-nonsense amplifier of their desires and feelings of resentment. Their interpretations of Medea, Cassandra or Penthesilea were pure punk. Women artists from East Germany, flanked by others from Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania, played with fire, committed provocative acts, protested and experimented beneath the radar of the accepted media. They bared themselves and their rage, rejecting both Socialist and bourgeois role models. This double refusal meant that they were generally running greater risks than their male counterparts. This combination of defiance and energy still leaves its mark in their imagery today.

Foto einer wütenden älteren Frau
© Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Foto: Stefanie Recsko
Gundula Schulze Eldowy, Berlin 1987, aus dem Zyklus: Der große und der kleine Schritt (1984–1990) Förderankauf des Freistaates Sachsen 1998, Kunstfonds, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

[Translate to English:] Film

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Medea muckt auf. Radikale Künstlerinnen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang
Medea muckt auf. Radikale Künstlerinnen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang


Tina Bara (*1962), Annemirl Bauer (1939 - 1989), Sibylle Bergemann (1941 - 2010), Else Gabriel (*1962), Angela Hampel (*1956), Christa Jeitner (*1935), Fashion and Performance group Allerleirauh, Angelika Kroker (*1957), Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt with Monika Andres (*1962) and Verena Kyselka (*1957), Evelyn Richter (*1930), Christine Schlegel (*1950), Gundula Schulze Eldowy (*1954), Cornelia Schleime (*1953), Gabriele Stötzer (*1953), Erika Stürmer-Alex (*1938), Karla Woisnitza (*1952), Hanne Wandtke (*1939), Doris Ziegler (*1949)

Magdalena Abakanowicz (1930 - 2017, PL), Geta Brătescu  (*1926 - 2018, RO), Orshi Drozdik (*1946, HU), Judit Kele (*1944, HU), Magdalena Jetelová (*1946, CSSR), Katalin Ladik (*1942, HU), Běla Kolářová (1923 - 2010, CSSR), Alena Kučerová  (*1923, CSSR), Zofia Kulik (*1947, PL), Natalia LL (*1937, PL), Ana Lupas (*1940, RO), Dora Maurer (*1936, HU), Ewa Partum (*1945, PL/D), Zofia Rydet (1911 - 1997, PL), Adriena Šimotová (1926 - 2014, CSSR), Zorka Ságlová (1942 - 2003, CSSR), Alina Szapocznikow (1926 - 1973, PL)

© Nachlass Sibylle Bergemann, OSTKREUZ; Courtesy Loock Galerie, Berlin, Kostüm: Angelika Kroker
Sibylle Bergemann, Heike, Allerleirauh, Berlin, 1988, Design: Angelika Kroker


[Translate to English:] Publikation

Publication to the special exhibition

The Medea Insurrection. Radical Women Artists Behind the Iron Curtain

catalogue by Susanne Altmann, Katarina Lozo & Hilke Wagner, Dresden 2018/19, ISBN: 978-3-96098-527-3

Exhibition at the Wende Museum, Californien

The Medea Insurrection: Radical Women Artists Behind the Iron Curtain

The exhibition will be shown at the Wende Museum, California from 9.11.2019 bis 5.4.2020 as part of "Wunderbar Togehter - Germany and the U.S." by the Goethe Institute.

Schwarz-Weiß-Foto einer Frau in einem Kostüm

[Translate to English:] text

An exhibition by the Albertinum, curated by Susanne Altmann.

[Translate to English:] Partner und Förderer

Sponsors and Partners

[Translate to English:] weitere Ausstellungen

Further Exhibitions


in Schloss Pillnitz

gelber Kasten mit vier Füßen


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart
01/12/2018 —14/04/2019

Megalopolis #1 – Stimmen aus Kinshasa

in GRASSI Museum Leipzig

Ansicht zweier Tänzer in gestreiften Kostümen
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